Welcome to Tangible Hands

Tangible Hands Foundation (THF) promotes social inclusion among African families and their children in Crawley, who are excluded from society, or parts of society, due to their social and economic position. THF provides support and education centres to enable single parents and their children to gain new life skills.

Our Vision

To enable African BME single parents and their children in Crawley to gain new skills by:

  1. Encouraging African BME families and their children to take part in sessions promoting physical activities to develop healthy habits and lifestyles.
  2. Equipping volunteers with greater skills to understand the difficulties faced by families whose children struggle with school, or have difficulty making friends.

Our Mission

Our mission is to:

  • Provide awareness to respond to the needs faced by African BME families.
  • Provide a safe, fun environment where all African BME children with challenging behaviour and their parents are welcome.
  • Run events to avert social exclusion of African BME families and their children.
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Read-just-ment project overall aim is to increase access to new play provision for African BME single parents and their children in Crawley whose children struggle with schooling, or have difficulty making friends. We link children up with 1-2-1 volunteers who will support them to access project sessions to build friendships with other children.

The project offers to:

  • Encourage African BME families and their children to take part in physical activity and develop healthy habits and lifestyles.
  • Equip volunteers with skills to understand the difficulties faced by African BME families whose children struggle with schooling or have difficulty making friends.

Get in touch

E: info@tangiblehands.co.uk

T: 078 692 981 42

Contact Form